This is where the majority of the system configuration will be done. System Setup is also where BluSKY learn hows to communicate with the physical system.
- Badge Design
- BluSKY allows for the create new Badge Designs that can be used to help identify a person. The Badge Template creator uses an SVG editor to create a template easily and provides fields that will automatically be updated for the person receiving the printed Card.
- Beacons
- Beacons are BluPOINT devices that allow for near field communication (NFC) between your BluSKY mobile application and the Facility's security system. With Beacons placed throughout the Facility, any mobile app user's location can be estimated and tracked for usage with BluREMOTE. Beacons are also commonly found behind other devices, such as Person Readers.
- Cards
- Cards are one of the ways we can identify a person's identity. These Cards are provided to people, vendors or visitors using the access control system.
- Card Uploads
- Card Uploads are a method of adding multiple concurrent cards to an access control system all at once.
- Commands
- A Command is the instruction to a relay. Within a Command you can configure how the relay is controlled
- Controllers
- The Controller serves as the brain of the access control system and is also how BluSKY is able to make the connection to the physical world from the cloud.
- Control Points
- Control Points are used to configure Outputs for operator interaction. These Control Points can then be remotely interacted with using BluSKY, enabling automatic and manual interaction with a variety of real world devices (such as strobe lights, turnstile arms, or sounders).
- Elevator Hardware
- The Elevator Hardware menu is used to configure the hardware found inside of the Elevator car.
- Elevator SIO Board
- The Elevator SIO Board refers to the Mercury Hardware infrastructure associated with running the the Elevator.
- Floor Matrix
- The Floor Matrix is used to determine which Floors are served by which Destination Keypads and when the Floor can be accessed via the Destination Keypad.
- Floor Stops
- A Floor Stop is a combination of an elevator, elevator door and floor, that is controlled by BluSKY. The management of Floor Stops is handled in a way very similar to a Portal.
- Inputs
- Input are simple electrical circuits that provide information to the access control system. Inputs can range from a simple door contact to high tech zone motion detection.
- IPS Groups
- An IPS Group is a collection IPS points. The IPS Group can be configured to produce certain behavior for each of the different states.
- IPS Points
- An IPS Point is an Input that is configured to work with the Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). IPS Points can be motion sensors, door position sensor or any Input used for the IPS.
- Maps
- Maps are the foundation for representing device Locations in a secured building. Each Map can be associated with a Facility floor and hold multiple Locations.
- Monitoring Points
- Monitoring Points are where the system is configured to constantly get the status of a particular Input. The Monitoring Point is used as part of a Trigger to cause a specific action to take place.
- Outputs
- Outputs allow the access control system to influence the physical world. Outputs can be anything from horns and alarms to electromagnetic locks.
- Portals
- Portals are the grouping of devices that work together to secure entry or exit. The grouping of Outputs(locks), Inputs(sensors) and Readers helps keep administration simple and easy.
- Power Controllers
- Power Controllers are the smart internet capable devices that are used to remotely monitor LifeSafety Power equipment.
- Power Modules
- Power Modules are smart devices that are able to communicate their status and be controlled by a Power Controller. Together with BluSKY they provide an unparalleled level of remote support and control.
- Procedures
- Procedures combine one or more pre-defined Commands with a Trigger. For example, a Procedure would be used to sound an alarm if a temperature sensor was triggered.
- Readers
- Readers are any devices that read and validate credentials to allow access. While card readers are the most common, the new age in security looks more and more towards biometric readers.
- Recorder
- Recorders in BluSKY bridge the physical and cloud realms by working with a video Server, enabling Cameras to stream and record to the cloud. These Recorders are designed for ease of deployment, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness, ensuring smooth video management within a Facility.
- Server
- Not all technologies are based in the cloud. To help bridge the gap, Servers are used to help BluSKY communicate with the destination dispatch systems and the devices within a Facility. Our servers are low-cost, low-maintenance and easy to deploy.
- SIO Boards
- SIO Boards are used to increase the number of Inputs, Outputs and Readers the the access control system can manage.
- Systems
- The System is the base unit for configuring an access control system. The System contains all of the subsequent Controllers , SIO Boards and peripheral equipment. The System is also an important part of configuring the database.
- Triggers
- Triggers are events in the system that can be used to begin a Procedure in the access control system. For example, a Trigger when paired with a Command to make up a Procedure could be used to cause a notification signals to activate when a panic switch is activated.