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Create a Map



Maps are the foundation for representing device Locations in a secured building. Each Map can be associated with a Facility floor and hold multiple Locations. This article provides detailed instructions on how to setup a Map.


  1. Navigate to Maps. Main Menu->  Administration-> Maps & Locations
  2. In the list view, click the BluCreateBtn.png button in the lower left side to create a new Map.
  3. Choose the System that the Map will be associated with.
  4. Choose a Facility that is associated with the chosen System.
  5. Choose a Floor in the Facility that the Map will represent.
  6. Select a Name for the Map.
  7. Optionally, type in a Description of the Map.
  8. Select a Default Icon Size from the dropdown menu.
  9. Click the clipboard_ed2d915e7cd18f8e6a7970fedc1164ec6.png button to select a file to upload. Refer to the Map File Setup article for file specifications.
  10. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

*need screenshot*

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