Using the Knowledge Base
Knowledge Base Structure

The knowledge base breaks down into a few parts. Understanding this hierarchy can help you navigate to the answers quickly. At the top of the hierarchy, we have categories. At the category level, you will find a collection of different guides all loosely related to one another. Those guides will then contain different articles that all relate to one another. For example, the Administration category contains the People, Access Levels and Holiday guides. In each guide, you will find a collection of related articles, from how-to to best-practices, pertaining to that one idea.
Knowledge Base Features
Our team spends a great deal of time reviewing common searches people are performing and we do our best to optimize those results. By using search, you are helping us improve as well as using the quickest method for getting to the content you are looking for.

One of the other ways we look to improve our knowledge base is using the community feedback we receive from our users. Sometimes what is second-nature to us, can be hard to understand and feedback helps us make corrections. The feedback feature can be found near the bottom of most articles (Guides and Categories excluded)

One of the hardest parts of using a new product can be understanding the language being used. To help get started and for reference we have provides a dictionary of terms, available in the footer section or by pressing F2 on any page.

Request an Article
There are a lot of articles and there are many more to come. If you have an idea for an article, please let us know. The Request an Article link can be found in the footer section. Fill out the required information and let us know what you have in mind.

Report an Issue
We are committed to doing the best job we can but we can on occasion make a mistake. If an image isn't showing up, you find a typo or anything else that disrupts your experience don't hesitate to send us a message. All of these issues are tracked in our support system and will lead to even better resources in the future.