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IPS Groups



IPS Groups
An IPS Group is a collection IPS points. The IPS Group can be configured to produce certain behavior for each of the different states.

Search Criteria

Name Description
AC System Name of the access control system.
Controller The controller that the IPS Group is connected to
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List Definitions

Name Description
Name The name of the IPS Group
Entry Delay The delay in seconds allowed to disarm the system before the alarm activates
Exit Delay The delay in seconds before the the system alarms immediately after arming the system
SIA Account # The SIA account number being used for external system monitoring
SIA Alt. Account # Secondary SIA account number
SIA Group Number The number assigned to the IPS Group for reporting by the external security monitoring
SIA Timeout The number of seconds the IPS Group will try and notify the SIA monitoring center 
Behavior Mask  
Deleted If checked, entry is deleted from BluSKY.
Controller The name of the controller the IPS Group is associated with
Initial IPS Group State The status the IPS Group will be in when first created
SIA Reporting Type How the system reports an alarm to the the external security monitoring company
On Disarmed Mercury Procedure The procedure used when the system is Disarmed state
On Fault Mercury Procedure The procedure used when the system is in a Fault state
On Armed Away Mercury Procedure The procedure used when the system is put into an Armed Away state
On Armed Stay Mercury Procedure The procedure used when the system is is an Armed Stay state
On Armed Instant Mercury Procedure The procedure used when the system is put into an Armed Instant state
On Entry Delay In Progress Mercury Procedure The procedure used when the system is in the Entry Delay state
On Exit Delay In Progress Mercury Procedure The procedure used when the system is the Exit Delay state
On Alarm New Mercury Procedure The procedure used when the system has just Alarmed
On Alarmed Canceled Mercury Procedure The procedure used when the system's alarm is cancelled
On Disarmed Ready To Arm Mercury Procedure The procedure used when the system is Disarmed and ready to be Armed again
Date Inserted The date this entry was added to BluSky.
Inserted By The name of the login who created this entry in BluSKY.
Date Updated The date this entry was last updated.
Updated By Who make the last update to this entry.
Date Deleted The date this entry was disabled or deleted from BluSky.
Deleted By Name of person who disabled this entry.

IPS Group Setup Actions

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