Facilities and Customers
BluSKY URL: https://blusky.blub0x.com/en-US/
The Facilities and Customers menu is intended for Integrators to use while configuring the access control systems. The Customer menu offers tools for managing an Integrator's Customers and the Facility menu allows you to make specification about the physical building. The physical parameters of the Facility are crucial in setting up an Elevator access control system.
- Customers
- A Customer is the person or the organization that owns an access control system. BluSKY is built to scale and provides our Integrators with a convenient way to manage Customers with multiple Systems.
- Facilities
- Facilities are the physical buildings that utilize a BluSKY access control system. The Facility record is also where we record important information about the physical building, like number of Floors, Elevators and Elevator Banks.