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BluREMOTE Solutions and Benefits

BluREMOTE is a versatile and innovative access control solution that transforms your smartphone into a powerful tool for managing various access points within a facility. Here’s a detailed summary of the different ways BluREMOTE can be used, along with the associated benefits for each solution:

1. Gate Access from a Car


  • Use BluREMOTE to open gates from a distance as you approach in your vehicle.


  • Convenience: No need to roll down your window or use long-range readers.
  • Time Efficiency: Opens gates quickly, reducing wait times.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies the process of entering and exiting parking garages.

2. Door Access (Exterior and Interior)


  • Unlock doors from a distance, allowing you to walk directly through without stopping to present your credential.


  • Seamless Entry: No need to stop and present credentials at a reader.
  • Security: Transactions are tracked, ensuring secure access.
  • Efficiency: Allows for continuous movement, enhancing flow and reducing bottlenecks.

3. Destination Dispatch Elevator Integration


  • Call elevators and receive car assignments from a distance, whether in the lobby or approaching the elevator on upper floors.


  • Time Saving: Turns wait time into walk time, ensuring elevators are ready when you arrive.
  • Convenience: Reduces the need to wait by the elevator, especially during peak hours.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines the process of using destination dispatch systems.

4. Turnstile Access


  • Use BluREMOTE to open turnstiles and, if integrated, receive elevator assignments simultaneously.


  • Flexibility: Allows you to choose any turnstile lane.
  • Integration: Combines turnstile access and elevator assignment in a single action.
  • Time Efficiency: Speeds up the entry process, particularly in high-traffic areas.

5. Remote Control by Security Officers


  • Security personnel can remotely control access points such as doors, gates, and turnstiles from their devices.


  • Operational Flexibility: Allows security staff to manage access from a distance.
  • Enhanced Security: Facilitates assistance for visitors and deliveries without compromising security.
  • Efficiency: Enables quick responses to access requests.

6. Reception and Multi-Floor Access


  • Receptionists can release doors on multiple floors without centralized wiring, using BluREMOTE.


  • Simplicity: Reduces the complexity of managing multi-floor access.
  • Convenience: Enhances the receptionist’s ability to assist visitors and employees.
  • Cost Efficiency: Eliminates the need for extensive wiring and hardware.

7. Visitor Management


  • Visitors can use BluREMOTE as a virtual credential to access designated areas without needing physical badges.


  • Frictionless Experience: Simplifies the visitor entry process.
  • Security: Tracks visitor access and provides detailed logs.
  • Convenience: Eliminates the need for physical credentials.

8. Geofencing


  • Set virtual boundaries to ensure users can only access security points when they are within a specific range.


  • Security: Prevents unauthorized remote access.
  • Flexibility: Customizable boundaries enhance security measures.
  • Control: Ensures users are physically present at the facility.

9. Proximity-Based Access Control


  • Use proximity detection to grant access only when users are near the access point.


  • Security: Ensures access is granted only when users are close to the point.
  • Convenience: Allows for seamless and hands-free access.
  • Efficiency: Reduces the need for physical interaction with access points.

10. Favorites and AI-Driven Recommendations


  • Create favorites for frequently accessed points and receive AI-driven suggestions based on usage patterns.


  • Personalization: Quick access to frequently used points.
  • Intelligence: AI recommendations enhance user experience.
  • Efficiency: Saves time by prioritizing commonly accessed areas.

11. Multi-Platform Support


  • Access BluREMOTE via the BluSKY app on iOS and Android, or through a web browser.


  • Compatibility: Works across various devices and platforms.
  • Flexibility: Provides multiple ways to access the system.
  • Consistency: Ensures a uniform experience across different platforms.


BluREMOTE offers a comprehensive, flexible, and secure solution for managing access control within various environments. Its wide range of applications, from gate and door access to elevator control and visitor management, makes it an invaluable tool for enhancing security, convenience, and efficiency in any facility. By leveraging advanced features such as geofencing, proximity detection, and AI-driven recommendations, BluREMOTE ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience for all users.

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