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BluREMOTE Use Cases

BluREMOTE offers numerous applications, making security and access control more convenient and efficient. Here are a few examples:

  1. Gate Access from a Car:
    • Scenario: You're approaching a gate in your car.
    • Solution: Use BluREMOTE to open the gate from a distance. You don’t need to use long-range readers or roll down your window to present your credential.
    • Benefit: Convenient access to parking garages without having to stop and present credentials at the reader.
  2. Door Access:
    • Scenario: Approaching an exterior or interior door.
    • Solution: Unlock the door from a distance using BluREMOTE.
    • Benefit: Allows you to walk directly to the door without stopping to present your credential at a reader, enhancing convenience and efficiency
  3. Destination Dispatch Elevator Integration:
    • Scenario: Entering a lobby in the morning.
    • Solution: Call for an elevator from a distance and receive your elevator assignment.
    • Benefit: Turns wait time into walk time, ensuring the elevator is ready when you reach it. This is also applicable when approaching elevators on upper floors.
  4. Turnstile and Elevator Integration:
    • Scenario: Walking through a bank of turnstiles.
    • Solution: Use BluREMOTE to open the turnstile and receive your elevator assignment simultaneously.
    • Benefit: Allows you to walk through any turnstile lane and immediately receive your floor or elevator assignment, streamlining the process.
  5. Reception Desk:
    • Scenario: Releasing doors on multiple floors.
    • Solution: Use BluREMOTE to release doors without wiring everything back to a central place.
    • Benefit: Simplifies the process of managing access to multiple floors.
  6. Security Desk Operations:
    • Scenario: Releasing turnstiles or doors for parking gates and garages.
    • Solution: Security officers can use BluREMOTE to release access points when requests come in via phone, radio, or intercom.
    • Benefit: Enhances the ability of security personnel to manage access efficiently and conveniently.

Advantages of BluREMOTE

  • Convenient Access: Unlock doors, gates, and call elevators from a distance without needing to be right next to the reader.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrates with destination dispatch elevators, turnstiles, and multiple floors, allowing simultaneous access control actions.
  • Enhanced Security: All transactions are secure and tracked, providing detailed logs of who did what, when, and where.
  • Proximity-Based Control: Ensures you are close to the access point unless you are remotely assisting someone, enhancing security.
  • Versatile Use Cases: Applicable for employees, visitors, and security personnel, providing a wide range of applications for different scenarios.
  • Time Efficiency: Reduces wait times by allowing access control actions to be performed as you approach the point, improving overall efficiency.


BluREMOTE simplifies and enhances security and access control by enabling various convenient and secure ways to manage doors, gates, elevators, and turnstiles directly from your smartphone. Its integration with location services and proximity detection ensures that access is granted only when you are close to the access point, unless you are authorized for remote access, making it an invaluable tool for modern security management.