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How to Setup Vendors and Building To Get Notified When A Vendors COI Is About to expire


This article covers how to send notification when a vendor COI is going to expire.  A warning notification can be sent to the vendor and building management when a COI is going to expire.  You can also send out a notification when the COI has expired.

We have added the ability to notify Vendors and building management when a Vendors COI is going to expire.


BluB0X Setup
  • Building will need to send a request to with how long in advance a warning should be sent.  Ex. 14 days, 7 day, 1 day.  BluB0X will make a configuration update in BluSKY to meet this need.
Vendor Set Up
  • Create a Distribution List for the Vendor - See Distribution Lists
    • Add the vendor contacts that need to be added to the DL.
  • Assign Distribution List to Vendor
    • In Vendor management the building will need to assign the created DL in the “COI Notification List” 
      • Note: You can create a Distribution List directly from the Vendor Mgmt Create/Edit page
         Vendor Mgmt COI Notification List Selection.jpg
Building Setup

For the building to be notified when a COI is going to expire they will need to: 

  • Create Notification Templates
    • Create Notification Template for “Vendor CIO Expiration Warning”
      Notification Vendor COI Warning.jpg
    • Example SVG code to past into template.
<p>The COI for&nbsp;[[VendorName]] has Expired</p>
<p>Building&nbsp;[[ACSystemName]] at&nbsp;[[CompanyInstanceAddressStreet1]]&nbsp;[[CompanyInstanceAddressCity]]&nbsp;[[CompanyInstanceAddressPostalCode]] [[CompanyInstanceAddressRegion]] [[CompanyInstanceAddressCountry]]</p>
<p>COI Start:&nbsp;[[COIStartDatetime]]</p>
<p>COI End:&nbsp;[[COIEndDatetime]]</p>
<p>Vendor has been notified.</p>
  • Create Notification template for “Vendor COI Expired”
    • Example SVG code to cut and past.
    • <p>Hello,</p>
      <p>The COI for&nbsp;[[VendorName]] has Expired</p>
      <p>Building&nbsp;[[ACSystemName]] at&nbsp;[[CompanyInstanceAddressStreet1]]&nbsp;[[CompanyInstanceAddressCity]]&nbsp;[[CompanyInstanceAddressPostalCode]] [[CompanyInstanceAddressRegion]] [[CompanyInstanceAddressCountry]]</p>
      <p>COI Start:&nbsp;[[COIStartDatetime]]</p>
      <p>COI End:&nbsp;[[COIEndDatetime]]</p>
      <p>Vendor has been notified.</p>
  • Create a Distribution List - See Distribution Lists
  • Create Rules - See Rules
    • Create one “Vendor CIO Expiration Warning”
      Rule COI Warning for Building.jpg
  • Create one for “Vendor COI Expired”
    Rule COI Expired for Building.jpg

Note: Currently the Notification used to notify the Vendor is the same that is used by the Rules.  This means that the same message is sent to both.