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Release Notes: 03-13-18

Feature Improvements

BluREMOTE - The Non-Proprietary Credential That Works Everywhere
  • BluREMOTE provides people the ability to use their mobile device as a virtual credential for access through portals and to floors. It is a built-in feature of the BluSKY Platform and does not require purchasing proprietary credentials or Bluetooth or NFC readers: in fact, it doesn’t require a reader at all – only an Internet connection at the access point.  It works at any controlled portal, relay elevator or destination dispatch elevator to which a person has access, and it works across multiple sites, systems, and hardware. For destination dispatch elevators it even provides the elevator car assignment right on your mobile device. BluREMOTE can also be used as a remote control for reception areas, gates, parking garages, and visitors and is a more secure way to provide access because it creates an audit trail of the event. BluREMOTE is security design for convenience. To get a better understanding of what it can do, please review the BluREMOTE datasheet
  • Your building administrator has the ability to enable all portals and elevators to use BluREMOTE or to only enable a few.  Please contact your integrator or BluB0X if you are interested in enabling this feature.


Portal Access



Relay Elevator Access


Destination Dispatch Elevator Access


Personnel Import
  • Personnel Import is now available to Integrators.  This is a setting in Roles that if set for an integrator will enable them to import people to an occupancy.  Please read the BluINFO article Personnel Import to understand how to use this newly available tool.


Minor Updates

Controller-Door-Floor Diagnostic
  • Mercury controller messages now show both user understandable messages as well as the Mercury command code.  ex.  Mar 01 10:29:51 Controller: (2,12):2214 ACCESS READER-0, 6:13 (Request granted: full test, door used) Cfmt: 15 ID = 8199502, floor = 0
  • Changed the interface slightly to move the more dangerous commands away from the common commands and add the ability to reboot the controller remotely.MTT Improvements.png
  • Performance improvement.  BluB0X has changed the default query for people to be a simple, but fast query.  Most of the time people are trying to find a person and are not interested in their Access Level, Role, Email address, Cards, etc.  Gathering all this extra detail results in a longer response time due to all the extra work.  We have been seeing greater than 50% performance improvement.
  • Expected Visitor Report
    • Now Graphs the Occupancy being selected in report filter.
  • Who's In Report & Visitor Arrivals Report
    • Added a count of the people at the top right of the report.


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