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Visitor Invitation Roles and Permissions

Visitor Invitation Roles

Roles that are frequently given out to people are the ones that deal with the ability to invite visitors.  They are the subject of this article.  


A Role is a list of permissions.  A permission specifies what a person can do after logging into BluSKY. 


Before we begin, it is important to understand how Roles are structured in BluSKY.

1. Roles are always "scoped" to an Occupancy - meaning that the permissions they contain are valid only over the designated Occupancy's database in BluSKY.  An exception is the Facility Manager's Role that provides control over the entire Facility's database.  Initially, a Facility Manager will create Occupancy Manager Roles for each Occupancy.  

2. The Facility Manager can also create other Roles and scope them to an Occupancy.  In that case, those Roles are available to the Occupancy Managers for assignment to the people in their Occupancy because they are scoped to their Occupancy.

3. Occupancy Managers who have received the "Role Administrator" permission in their Role can assign their own Role to others (within their Occupancy only).

3. They can also create and name new Roles that contains a subset of the permissions in their own Role and assign them to others in their Occupancy. 

4. But it is important to understand that if a certain set of permissions are to be distributed to people in multiple Occupancies, (like the "Visitor Invitation Only" Role), they can be either:

  • Specified in a single Role that is accessible to the Facility Manager, in which case only the Facility Manager can assign that Role, OR 
  • They must appear in Roles that are created for each Occupancy. in which case they can be assigned by the  Occupancy Managers to their own people.   
  • In summary, Roles cannot be shared between Occupancies.

With that in mind, you are prepared to proceed:

Here is the list of the permissions that relate to visitor invitations:


"Visitor Invitation" is the basic permission: it allows the person to create visitor invitations in BluSKY and view the invitations that the person has created.

“Visitor Invitations for Others” allows a person (such as an Assistant) to create a visitor invitation naming somebody else as the host.

“All Visitor Requests” allows a person to see not only their own visitor requests, but all those issued for the entity to which the Role is scoped.  (i.e. the Occupancy or the Facility).  This is often given to a Receptionist or Administrator.

Note that “Visitor Admission” is only given to people who ADMIT visitors (usually the Security Officers at the lobby desk).

“Visitor & Vendor Configuration” gives access to some advanced features such as Vendor (as opposed to Vistor) Invitation and Visitor Import and is typically given to an Administrator.

TWO POPULAR ROLES (they can be given any name):

The “Visitor Invitation Only” Role which is given to a person who needs nothing more but to invite and view his/her own visitors.  This Role contains just the Visitor Invitation permission - nothing else.

The “Visitor Invitation All” Role which is usually given to a person who administers or processes an organization's visitors.  The Role includes the “Visitor Invitation” permission, PLUS the “Visitor Invitations for Others”, “All Visitor Requests” and “Can Exceed End of Day” permissions.


Obviously, other Visitor Invitation Roles can be created that combine the proper Permissions to produce a desired result.

Visitor Invitation Permissions are normally included in higher level Roles - like an Occupancy Manager Role.


A Visitor Invitation Permission can be added to a person's record that already has a defined Role: in this case, the person's permissions in BluSKY will be defined by the combination of his/her two (or more) Roles.


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