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Alarms Per Facility Over Time Analytic

Module Overview

Module Name

Alarms Per Facility Over Time Analytic

Purpose and Functionality:

This analytic module is engineered to visualize and assess the frequency and distribution of alarms within a specified facility over select time periods. It enables users to monitor alarm trends, identifying patterns and informing security adjustments.

Target Audience:

Designed for system administrators, security directors, property managers, and personnel tasked with alarm management and response within a security system.

Getting Started

Accessing the Module:
  • Log into the BluSKY platform.
  • From the navigation bar, click on 'Intelligence'.
  • Select 'Analytics' from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on 'Alarms Per Facility Over Time' analytic.

Users must have the necessary permissions to access this analytic within the BluSKY system.

User Interface Description

Layout Overview:

The interface is divided into two main sections. The left section contains "Graph Parameters" where users select specific criteria such as system groups, systems, facilities, and time zones. The right section presents the main graph, showing alarm data over time with options for interaction and customization.

Feature Details

Feature List:


  • Navigation Bar with access to various platform sections
  • Dropdown menus for parameter selection
  • Generate' button to create the graph
  • Options to save and share the generated graph
  • Interactive graph display with a time period selector and hover data points
  • Additional options for graph manipulation and export
Feature Descriptions:

The module provides an intuitive selection process to filter data by facility and time zone. The interactive graph allows for detailed analysis of the data points, and the bottom scrollbar adjusts the time frame in focus. The hamburger menu offers additional actions such as printing and downloading the graph.

User Instructions

Step-by-Step Guides:


  • To generate the graph, select your criteria from the 'Graph Parameters' section and click 'Generate'.
  • To interact with the graph, hover over data points to view details or use the time period selector to adjust the visible time range.


Use Case Scenarios:


  • Identifying peak times for alarms to optimize staff schedules.
  • Analyzing alarm trends over months to improve security measures.


Administration and Configuration

Administrative Functions:

Access and permissions to the module are managed by system administrators.

Configuration Options:

There are no additional configurations within the module; it is designed for immediate use upon access.

Integration and Interoperability

Integration with Other Modules:

The data from this analytic feeds into BluSKY's larger data lake and can inform AI tool enhancements and security rule creation.

External Integrations:

Not directly applicable, as this module functions within the BluSKY ecosystem.

Troubleshooting and Support

Common Issues and Solutions:

Issues are infrequent but check permissions if the module or data is not accessible.

Support Resources:

Contact BluSKY customer support or refer to BluINFO for further assistance.

Security and Compliance

Security Features:

The module aligns with BluSKY's security protocols and measures.

Compliance Information:

Compliance is managed on a platform-wide basis rather than per module.


  • Data Lake
  • Security System Alarms
  • AI Tools


  1. Q: How can I view the number of alarms for a specific day?
    A: Is it possible to export the alarm data?

  2. Q: How do I access the "Alarms Per Facility Over Time" analytic in BluSKY?
    A: You need to have analytics permissions granted by your system administrator. If you cannot access the module, please contact your administrator.

  3. Q: What permissions do I need to view the "Alarms Per Facility Over Time" analytic?
    A: Log into BluSKY, navigate to the 'Intelligence' menu, select 'Analytics', and then choose 'Alarms Per Facility Over Time' from the list of analytics.

  4. Q: Can I filter the alarm data by specific dates?
    A: Yes, you can manually select the start and end dates for the data you wish to view using the date picker in the upper right corner of the graph.

  5. Q: How can I print the alarm trend graph?
    A: Click on the hamburger menu in the upper right corner of the graph and select the 'Print' option.

  6. Q: Is it possible to download the data shown in the graph?
    A: When you hover over the graph, a tooltip will appear showing the number of alarms for the specific time frame (e.g., day, week) that you are examining.

  7. Q: How do I interpret the alarm data points when I hover over the graph?
    A: When you hover over the graph, a tooltip will appear showing the number of alarms for the specific time frame (e.g., day, week) that you are examining.

  8. Q: Can I share the alarm data with colleagues who do not have access to BluSKY?
    A: You can download the graph and share it as an image, or if your colleagues have BluSKY accounts, you can use the sharing options to allow them to view the graph within the platform.

  9. Q: How can I adjust the time zone for the data in the graph?
    A: Before generating the graph, you can select the appropriate time zone from the 'Timezone' dropdown menu in the 'Graph Parameters' section.

  10. Q: What should I do if the graph does not generate after selecting my parameters?
    A: Ensure that all required fields are filled and that you have the correct permissions. If the issue persists, contact BluSKY support for assistance.

  11. Q: Can this analytics module help in forecasting future alarm trends?
    A: The module is not designed for predictive analytics, but it can help you identify historical patterns that may inform future security measures and planning.

Feedback and updates:

Providing Feedback:

Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the customer support channels or the feedback option within the BluSKY platform.

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