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Access Per Occupancy Analytic

Module Overview

Module Name

Access Per Occupancy Analytic

Purpose and Functionality:

This module provides visual analytics on the distribution of access rights within a facility. It compares the number of people with assigned access against those without, to illustrate the completion of access configuration. Ideal for multi-tenant buildings, it aids in ensuring nearly all occupants have the necessary access, with noted exceptions.

Target Audience:

The module serves system administrators, integrators, property managers, and anyone responsible for the data integrity and access control within BluSKY.

Getting Started

Accessing the Module:

To access the module, navigate to the 'Intelligence' menu on the BluSKY dashboard, select 'Analytics', and choose 'Access Per Occupancy Analytics' from the list.


Users must have the necessary permissions to access this analytic within the BluSKY system.

User Interface Description

Layout Overview:

The interface includes selection fields for 'Group', 'System', and 'Facility', a 'Generate' button to create the analytics, and a graph displaying the access distribution. Options to save, print, and download the graph are also available.

Access Per Occupancy.png

Feature Details

Feature List:
  • Selectable parameters for data filtering
  • Interactive generated graphs
  • Options to save, print, and download analytics
  • Sharing and editing permissions settings
Feature Descriptions:

Each feature provides a specific function, from generating tailored analytics to sharing and editing the data with appropriate permissions.

User Instructions

Step-by-Step Guides:
  1. Select your specific 'Group', 'System', and 'Facility'.
  2. Click 'Generate' to view the analytics graph.
  3. Hover over the graph sections to view detailed access statistics.
  4. Use the icons to print or download the graph.
  5. Fill out the 'Save Graph' form to store and share the analytic.
Use Case Scenarios:
  • A property manager ensuring all tenants have access.
  • A system administrator reviewing access assignments.

Administration and Configuration

Administrative Functions:

Administrators can grant permissions to users for accessing and editing the analytics.

Configuration Options:

The module allows the selection of specific groups, systems, and facilities for data generation.

Integration and Interoperability

Integration with Other Modules:

Access Per Occupancy Analytics can be integrated into dashboards and utilizes data from other BluSKY modules for comprehensive oversight.

External Integrations:

The module feeds data into the Data Lake for AI model consumption, without requiring external integrations.

Troubleshooting and Support

Common Issues and Solutions:
  • Difficulty in generating analytics: Ensure all required fields are filled and permissions are correctly set.
  • Access discrepancies: Verify the data integrity in the BluSKY system.
Support Resources:

For additional help, users can contact customer support or refer to BluINFO.

Security and Compliance

Security Features:

The module has built-in permission settings to control viewing and editing access.

Compliance Information:

Not specified within the provided information.



Data Lake: A centralized repository that allows you to store structured and unstructured data at any scale.


  1. Q: How do I save the analytic?
    A: Fill in the 'Save Graph' section with a name and sharing preferences, then click 'Save'.

  2. Q: What is the purpose of the Access Per Occupancy Analytics?
    A: The Access Per Occupancy Analytics is designed to visualize the distribution of access rights within a facility, showing the proportion of people with assigned access compared to those without.

  3. Q: Who can use the Access Per Occupancy Analytics module?
    A: This module is intended for system administrators, system integrators, property managers, and other personnel responsible for managing and overseeing access control and data integrity within BluSKY.

  4. Q: How do I access the Access Per Occupancy Analytics module?
    A: Navigate to the 'Intelligence' menu on the BluSKY dashboard, select 'Analytics', and choose 'Access Per Occupancy Analytics' from the provided list.

  5. Q: Are there any prerequisites for using the Access Per Occupancy Analytics?
    A: Users must have the appropriate permissions to access this analytic module within the BluSKY system.

  6. Q: Can I save the analytics generated by the Access Per Occupancy module?
    A: Yes, you can save the analytics by providing a name for the graph and setting the appropriate sharing preferences before clicking the 'Save' button.

  7. Q: Is it possible to print or download the analytics?
    A: Yes, the module provides options to print the analytics directly or download them as PNG or JPEG images for offline use or inclusion in reports.

  8. Q: How can I filter the analytics to display data for a specific facility?
    A: You can filter the analytics by selecting the desired facility from the 'Facility' dropdown menu before generating the graph.

  9. Q: What should I do if the analytic doesn't generate properly?
    A: Ensure that all required fields are correctly filled and that you have the necessary permissions. If issues persist, contact customer support for assistance.

  10. Q: How can I ensure others in my organization can view the analytics I generate?
    A: While saving the graph, select 'Company' under the 'Share' options, which will allow anyone in your company to view the analytics, provided they have the permissions to do so.

  11. Q: What information is displayed when I hover over sections of the generated graph?
    A: When hovering over the graph sections, a pop-up will show the name of the occupancy, the number of people with or without access, and the percentage of each.

Feedback and updates:

Providing Feedback:

Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the customer support channels or the feedback option within the BluSKY platform.

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