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Reclaim a Visitor's Card


The Reclaim Card feature for Visitor Management allows a Card to be reassigned after it has been returned. This prevents the need for many additional cards.


  1. Log in and navigate to Visitor control. Main Menu-> Control-> Visitor
  2. Use the list below or the search feature to locate the Visitor that was issued the card.
    • Note: You may reclaim more than one card at a time. If doing so please ensure you are not accidently reclaiming a Card currently being used.


  1. Click the Visitor/s on the list and then use the ReclaimBadgeBtn.png icon to reclaim the Card or Badge.
    • Note: You will only be able to reclaim a Card if the Visitor has been Checked Out.

Alternative Method

  1. Log in and navigate to Visitor control. Main Menu-> Control-> Visitor
  2. Use the list below or the search feature to locate the Visitor that was issued the card.
    • Note: You may reclaim more than one card at a time. If doing so please ensure you are not accidently reclaiming a Card currently being used.
  3. Click the Visitor/s on the list and then use the editButtonNoText.png icon to open the Edit Visitor interface.
  4. Near the bottom of the interface click ReclaimBagde.png.
    • Note: You will only be able to reclaim a Card if the Visitor has been Checked Out.
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