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View a Person



This article describes the various fields that are found when viewing an existing Person record.

Person List Definitions

Name Description
Last Name The person's last name.
First Name The person's first name.
M.I. Middle initial.
Employee # A number assigned by the employer for an employee.
Primary Card The primary Card number of the user.
Contact Info The preferred way to contact the user.
Primary Role The Role assigned to the user.
System  The name of the access control system.
Facility The name of the physical building associated with the System.
Company Name of the Company.
Floor The floor the person is assigned to.
Gender The gender of the person
Start Datetime Date and time when this access should be started. This is not to be confused with the device or access schedules.
Stop Datetime Date and time when access should end. This is not to be confused with the device or access schedules.
Access Suspended Whether or not the person's access rights have been suspended.
Suspension Start When a suspension will start or has started.
Suspension End When a suspension will end.
Login Suspended If access to BluSky has been suspended.
Web Suspension Start When access to BluSky was or will be suspended.
Web Suspension Stop When access to BluSky will be or has been restored.
Date Inserted The date this entry was added to BluSky.
Inserted By The name of the login who created this entry in BluSKY.
Date Updated The date this entry was last updated.
Date Deleted The date this entry was disabled or deleted from BluSky.
Deleted By Name of person who disabled this entry.
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