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Edit an Occupancy



An Occupancy is a company or organization that resides within a facility that is controlled by an access control system. This article will guide you through making various edits to an existing Occupancy.

Edit an Occupancy's Name

  1. Log in and navigate to Occupancy. Main Menu->Administration-> Occupancy
  2. Select the entry you wish to edit from the list.
  3. Click the editButtonNoText.png icon in the lower left side of the screen.
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  1.  Navigate to the Name text field an make the appropriate changes.
  2. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

Edit an Occupancy's Address

  1. Log in and navigate to Occupancy. Main Menu->Administration-> Occupancy
  2. Select the entry you wish to edit from the list.
  3. Click the editButtonNoText.png icon in the lower left side of the screen. 
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  4.  Navigate to the appropriate Address text fields and use the Region and Country drop down menus to make the appropriate changes.


  1. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

Edit an Occupancy's Website

  1. Log in and navigate to Occupancy. Main Menu->Administration-> Occupancy
  2. Select the entry you wish to edit from the list.
  3. Click the editButtonNoText.png icon in the lower left side of the screen.
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  4. Navigate to the Website text field and make the appropriate changes.
  5. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

Edit an Occupancy's System

  1. Log in and navigate to Occupancy. Main Menu->Administration-> Occupancy
  2. Select the entry you wish to edit from the list.
  3. Click the editButtonNoText.png icon in the lower left side of the screen.
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  4. Using the System drop down menu select the proper access control system.


  1. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

Edit an Occupancy's Facility

  1. Log in and navigate to Occupancy. Main Menu->Administration-> Occupancy
  2. Select the entry you wish to edit from the list.
  3. Click the editButtonNoText.png icon in the lower left side of the screen.
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  4. Using the Facility drop down menu select the proper access control system.

    Facility Drop Down

  1. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

Edit an Occupancy's Company

  1. Log in and navigate to Occupancy. Main Menu->Administration-> Occupancy
  2. Select the entry you wish to edit from the list.
  3. Click the editButtonNoText.png icon in the lower left side of the screen.
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  4. Using the Company drop down menu select the proper access control system.


  1. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

Edit an Occupancy's Floors

  1. Log in and navigate to Occupancy. Main Menu->Administration-> Occupancy
  2. Click the editButtonNoText.png icon in the lower left side of the screen.
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  3. Click the floor tab at the top of the page.


  1. Select the Floors you wish to assign to the occupancy.


  1. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

Occupancy Definitions

Name Description
City The city the Occupancy is located in.
Company Name of the Company.
Country The country of the Occupancy.
Date Deleted Date this entry was disabled or deleted from BluSKY. BluSKY never fully deletes these records but deleting them does make them unaccessible. 
Date Inserted Date this entry was added to BluSKY.
Date Updated Date this entry was last updated.
Default Badge Template Badge Design most commonly used by the customer.
Deleted If checked, entry is deleted from BluSKY
Deleted By Who disabled this entry.
Facility Name of the Facility the Occupancy is associated with.
Inserted By Who added this entry into BluSKY.
Map Geographical Location of the Occupancy.
Occupancy Name of the Occupancy.
Phone Phone Number of the Occupancy.
Region Region, ie.e State, Provence, County, etc.
Street Address 1 Address of the Integrator, User, or Company.
Street Address 2 Sub address.
System Name of the BluSKY access control system.
Website Website of the Occupancy.


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