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API methods for CRUD operations for People/Users. Includes basic Access Rights assignments, Roles (permissions) assignments, and Card assignments.
API Description
GET api/Person/GetAllUsers

Returns a list of UserViewModels that the API token has rights to view

GET api/Person/GetAllUsersByFacility/{FacilityId}

Returns a list of UserViewModels from a given Facility that the API token has rights to view

GET api/Person/GetAllUsersByOccupancyId/{OccupancyId}

Returns a list of UserViewModels from a given Occupancy that the API token has rights to view

GET api/Person/GetAllUsersByVendorId/{VendorId}

Returns a list of UserViewModels from a given Occupancy that the API token has rights to view

GET api/Person/GetUserById/{UserId}

Returns a single UserViewModel if the API token has rights to view it

POST api/Person/AddUser

Adds a single User to the system. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of user added.

POST api/Person/UpdateUser

Updates a single User that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/Person/RemoveUser

Deletes a single User that is already in the system. Returns Success/Error code

POST api/Person/AddUserRole

Adds an existing Role to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserRole entry made.

POST api/Person/RemoveUserRole

Removes an existing Role from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/Person/AddUserCard

Adds a Card to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserCard entry made.

POST api/Person/RemoveUserCard

Removes a Card from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/Person/AddUserContactItem

Adds a Contact Information to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of ContactInfo entry made.

POST api/Person/RemoveUserContactItem

Removes Contact Information from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/Person/AddReaderAccess

Adds Reader Access to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserReader entry made.

POST api/Person/RemoveReaderAccess

Removes Reader Access from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/Person/AddFloorStopAccess

Adds Floor Stop Access to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserFloorStop entry made.

POST api/Person/RemoveFloorStopAccess

Removes Floor Stop Access from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/Person/AddFloorAccess

Adds all Floor Stops pertaining to a given floor to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/Person/RemoveFloorAccess

Removes all Floor Stops pertaining to a given floor from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/Person/AddAccessLevel

Adds an existing Access Level to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserAccessLevel entry made.

POST api/Person/RemoveAccessLevel

Removes an existing Access Level from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

POST api/Person/AddAccessLevelGroup

Adds an existing Access Level Group to an existing User. Returns Success/Error code plus primary key of UserAccessLevelGroup entry made.

POST api/Person/RemoveAccessLevelGroup

Removes an existing Access Level Group from an existing User. Returns Success/Error code.

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