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How to Disable a REX Assigned to a Portal


This article details the steps needed to change the behavior of a Request for Exit (REX).  There may be certain situations where you do not want the REX to pulse(unlock) the door strike.  For example, you may have a motion detector that is too sensitive and is registering excessive movement events.  You want to disable the REX unlocking the door until a service engineer gets onsite.


  1. Log in and navigate to Portals. Main Menu-> Setup -> Portals
  2. Select the portal you want to have the REX not unlock.
  3. Use the editButtonNoText.png button in the lower left-hand side to Edit the Portal.
  4. Expand "Show Advanced Settings" by selecting it.
  5. Scroll down to "Access Control Flags Mask", select the box to the right and select "Do not pulse the door strike on REX. Quiet exit"
  6. Use the saveBtn.png button to finish.
  7. Sync this change to the controller via the Mercury Test Tool.
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