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November 2022


Personnel Import:

  • Increased the number of photos that can be uploaded at once in Personnel Import - you can now upload a maximum of 5,000 photos. 


  • When looking at video streams, the region the video is being streamed from is now displayed and can be filtered on. 
  • Added "Upgrade" actions to the log for recorders. 
  • Users can now download the recorder activity directly from the Recorder page. 
  • Removed Node Media client from services installed. The local streaming function is pulled into the service manager. 

Person Profile: 

  • When creating a profile for a person, the gender field is no longer a required field.

Controller & SIO Boards Setup:

  • Re-enabled the ability to change the SIO board's name separately from the Controller's name. 

Events Page:

  • Now displays the image of the person being recognized by the Person Reader as well as the picture assigned to a user's profile. 

Badge Template: 

  • New badge template for Apple and Google Wallet credentials. 

HID Integration

  • Ability to setup and switch assigned HID cards from BluID screen

  • Credential transfer with HID cards

SSO Login

  • Ability to update MAC address of Readers from Reader Management screen

Bug Fixes

  • Addressed issue where a user in one system was granted access to another system, but could not access the elevator. They can now access DDE elevators in others systems when they are given access.

  • Resolved issue where deleted visitors were displaying in the active visitor admissions list page.

  • Roles: When assigning a role to a person you could only see global roles and not other roles.

  • When creating some of the reports, the create button overlapped with the back to list button.

  • Resolved issue where you were unable to save any advanced settings under Elevator Banks after changing the "Logging Enabled" slider 

  • Resolved issue where you would see suspended people when a person is searched with the Active and Deleted filter 

  • In Interactive Maps when selecting a monitoring point, the pop-up will display an icon for the camera that covers that monitoring point. 

  • Fixed issue in the Interactive Maps page that was not properly adjusting in size for different screen resolutions. 

  • Resolved issue where an error would occur when adding or removing vehicle information in a person's profile. 

  • Resolved issue where portal control page was not clearing the previous portal mode and any subsequent changes performed the same operation on the previously selected portals.

  • Fixed issue in the BluSKY Mobile App where you would receive an invalid scan error when using BluREMOTE. 

How to sign up for BluSKY Software Updates

Each month, BluBØX releases important updates to BluSKY for clients and users to learn more about the newest features added to enhance their user experience. Periodically, an email will be sent with a description of the important enhanced features and added capabilities. We suggest signing up for these important updates to maximize your user experience.

To sign up, simply click the subscribe link below and provide us with your name, company & email address:

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