Typical Systems
Typical Systems
System | Revenue Range | Revenue | Equipment | Description |
Small | $0 – 25K | $10 K | $5 K | Small office, retail store, telecommunication site |
Medium | $25 – 100K | $50 K | $25 K | Corporate space, banking center, small commercial building, healthcare facility, gym |
Large | $100 – 500K | $500 K | $250 K | Commercial office building, factory, school, hotel, residential high rise, data center |
Very Large | $0.5 – 3M | $2 M | $1 M | Very large commercial office building, hospital, school district, airport, stadium |
Enterprise | $3 – 20M | $10 M | $5 M | Companies with multiple sites and operations |
Global | $20 – 100M | $50 M | $25 M | US or foreign multinationals with operations throughout the world |
Typical systems are used throughout the presentation to provide real and concrete financial examples.
We use only one revenue and equipment number for each size system for simplicity.
In practice each size system falls into a revenue range and therefore has a range of results.
Assumption Used: Equipment and software account for 50% of the revenue of an installed system.