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Visitor Group Import


The Visitor Group Import tool is a great feature for quickly importing any number of Visitors for the same event. This differs from the typical Visitor Import because the date, access, host, visitor type, group and notification configuration will remain the same between all the Visitors. This can be particularly useful for buildings that hosts events with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of Visitors at a time.

Getting to the Visitor Group Import

This new option can be found in the filter of the Visitor Invitation screen and at the bottom of the screen with the create, edit and delete buttons. 


Download and Fill in the Excel Sheet

Download the spread sheet here or from the Visitor Group Import page. Enter the pertinent information about the individuals that will be visiting, like below.


You'll notice that there is no place to set the time and date of the visit. If you do need this flexibility we recommend that you use the normal Visitor Import. 

 Warning: The normal Visitor Upload spreadsheet will not work for the Group Visitor Import. 

Performing the Upload

Now that you have the Excel spreadsheet configured, you will have to enter the shared fields that are shared between all of the upcoming visitors, Host, Notification for host or requestor, Group, Access, etc. If you are unfamiliar with the fields common to the Visitor Invitation process please check out Invite a Visitor first, as it contains more in depth conversation about the various Visitor fields. You will also notice the Email Host On Checkin and Email Requester on Checkin toggles to indicate how notifications should be handled. Typically email notifications will be disabled for large events but consult the host on which behavior they would prefer. 


Once this information has been inputted you will be able to upload the Excel spreadsheet by clicking the "Click Here To Select..." link to open a file upload dialog.

Once uploaded BluSKY will take the individual names from the spreadsheet and combine it with the information in this form. The process is much faster than the typical Visitor Upload because it uses the common parameters saved in memory rather than having to parse the excel spreadsheet for individual time and data values. Just press the saveBtn.png button and you will see the new expected Visitors in the Visitor Admissions page.