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Person Activity Report



Person Activity Report
The Person Activity Report details a Person's use of the Access Control System. This article discusses how the report can be used to manage a Facility as well as some of the options for creating this report.


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Step by Step

Creating the Report
  1. Log in and navigate to Person Activity Report. Main Menu-> Reports-> Person Activity Report

Person Activity Report

  1. Select the Person or People to run the report against.
    • Enter search criteria as needed. Once a System, Facility or Occupancy is selected, a new selection type will become available. This new type allows you to select all people of that Occupancy, System or Facility. (Fig 1.)
    • Select each Person and click the downOneChevron.png button to move them from the unselected list to the selected list or use the downAllChevron.png button to move everyone from the unselected list ot the selected list. Note: You will not be able to select people individually and use the special selection types. (Fig 2.)
      • The upAllChevron.png button will deselect everyone selected so far and the upOneChevron.png button allows you to deselect them individually.
      • The Undo Button button will undo your last action and the Redo Button button will reverse the undo action.
    • When finished, click the Choose People button to select the People and close the Person selector.
Fig 1.
Fig 2.
  1. Select the Portals and/or the Floors by clicking on the AddPortalButton.jpg or the AddFloorsButton.jpg button.
Fig 3.
Fig 4.
  1. If you are only looking to generate a report during a period of time of time, you may do so by specifying the time in the From and To fields.
  2. Select the format you want the report in, either PDF or Excel spreadsheet.


  1. When finished use the shortCreateBtn.png button to generate the report.
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