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BluSKY Watchlist Feature

Creating a watchlist in BluSKY involves several steps to ensure building and occupancy managers can effectively monitor guests who may pose a risk due to various reasons such as recent layoffs, previous hostile behavior, or restraining orders. By following these steps, building and occupancy managers can effectively utilize the watchlist feature in BluSKY to maintain security and awareness of guests in the building.

Here's an overview of the BluSKY Watchlist and how to set it up:

1. Purpose of the Watchlist: The watchlist in BluSKY is designed to allow building or occupancy managers to track individuals who are invited as guests to the building. This ensures that the tenant and the building are aware of these guests and can be notified about their presence.

2. Reasons for Adding to the Watchlist: Individuals might be added to the watchlist for various reasons, including:

  • Recent layoffs
  • Previous instances where the guest was hostile
  • Notifications from the police or tenants regarding restraining orders

3. Setting Up the Watchlist:

  • Navigate to the Administration section.
  • Access the watchlist option via the pull-down menu.
  • Select or create a new watchlist by highlighting it from the list and clicking 'Edit'.

4. Adding Members to the Watchlist:

  • In the Members screen, click the 'Create' button.
  • Enter necessary details like photo path, last name, first name, eye color, hair color, gender, and the start time for monitoring.
  • After filling in the fields, select 'Create' to add the individual to the watchlist.

5. Notification Settings:

  •  In the 'Notifications email' field, add the email addresses of the building manager and the occupancy manager. Ensure that commas are used to separate the names. This step is crucial for ensuring that the relevant authorities are notified when a watch listed individual is invited as a guest.

6. Additional Features:  Explore additional features and functionalities that BluSKY might offer in conjunction with watchlists for enhanced security and management.

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