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Vendors are organizations that need access to an access control system to provide goods or services to the Occupants of that system. After you set up a Vendor you can create new people associated with the Vendor and have the Vendor company manage their own personnel and access rights.

Search Criteria

Vendor Filter
Name Description
System Choosing a System will filter the results in the list to only the selected System.
Facility Choosing a Facility will filter the results in the list to only the selected Facility.
Service Name This will filter the list to only those Vendors who have the selected Vendor Services.
Search This field determines which type of records should be returned. 
View View will bring you to the view screen. Use this to look up information on existing entities and access Audit Info.
Search Text This field is used to limit the number of rows listed in the list box below. To use simply type a string of characters or words. Please note you will only see those items you have the permission and access rights for. It is a good idea to search first, even when you are creating a new entry.
Create Will bring you to the create screen. Use this if the entity does not exist in the BluSKY database. Be extremely careful not to create duplicates with slightly different names.
Submit This button performs a search based on the criteria selected in the filter.
Reset This button clears all fields in order to start a new search.

Vendor List Definitions

Name Description
Name The name of the Vendor
Status This field indicated whether the Vendor has been Approved or Not Approved to perform work in the building. 
Default Vendor Service This is the service the most common service the Vendor provides to the building. Ex. A1 Plumbing would have "plumbing" as their Default Vendor Service. 
Vendor Services  Vendor Services are the types of jobs the Vendor is allowed to perform in the building.
Address The address of the Integrator, User, or Company.
Region The Region, i.e. State, Province, County, etc.
Country The country.
Deleted If checked, entry is deleted from BluSKY.
Company Name of the Company.
Facility This field displays which Facilities the Vendor is allowed to perform work on. 
Occupancy This field displays which Occupancies the Vendor is allowed to perform work on. 
COI Start Datetime When the Certificate of Insurance (COI) becomes valid.
COI End Datetime When the Certificate of Insurance (COI) becomes invalid.
Date Inserted The date this entry was added to BluSky.
Inserted By The name of the login who created this entry in BluSKY.
Date Updated The date this entry was last updated.
Updated By Who make the last update to this entry.
Date Deleted The date this entry was disabled or deleted from BluSky.
Deleted By Name of person who disabled this entry.

Vendor Definitions

Name Description
Vendor Name The name of the Vendor
System The System that will store the Vendor record. Note the Vendor can be shared across System by using the Associations tab. 
Vendor Approval Status This field indicated whether the Vendor has been Approved or Not Approved to perform work in the building. 
Vendor Number Any numeric used to identify the Vendor.
COI Start Datetime When the Certificate of Insurance (COI) becomes valid.
COI End Datetime When the Certificate of Insurance (COI) becomes invalid.
Address The address of the Integrator, User, or Company.
Address 2 An additional address field for lengthy or complex addresses.
City The City.
Region The Region, i.e. State, Province, County, etc.
Country The country.
Time Zone The time zone of the Vendor's office.
Contact Info Where the contact emails and phone numbers are stored. 

Vendor Setup Actions


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