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Items to Remember when Creating Personnel Databases

1.     Access Levels (ALs) and Access Level Groups (ALGs) cannot be fully created if the readers and floor stops are not fully defined in BluSKY.  However, ALs and ALGs can be created by name and left empty.  Once the hardware config is done, they can be populated with the readers and floor stops.

2.     Personnel records cannot be imported until the controllers are defined in BluSKY .  That is because, when a Person record is created and saved (manually or through import),  the record's Access information is parsed into the "Mercury Access Levels" that need to be sent to the Mercury controllers.  If the controllers are not defined at that time, the system  cannot allocate the "Mercury Access Levels" and send down the Person information to the controllers - so, ultimately, the person does not have access.

3.     If the personnel records are imported more than 5 days before the controllers are actually put on-line, the commands that download the person records, the ALs and the ALGs will be removed from the download buffer.  Accordingly, those person records, ALs, and ALGs will not be sent to the controllers:  A full sync of the controllers will need to be done manually when they are brought online.

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