What Makes Us Different Is What Makes US Better
BluBØX has 25+ Differentiators that set us apart from the competition. They derive from the nine key technologies that make up BluSKY's architecture. Without switching to this architecture, it is impossible to achieve BluSKY's unlimited capabilities.
Click to view BluSKY Achitecture Diagrams
Physical Security as a Service
Lower total cost of ownership
Support contracts included
Automatic upgrades
Better and faster support
Emphasis is on service
Easier to budget
Happier customers
Lower Up Front and Ongoing Costs
Lower initial cost
No onsite servers, PCs, storage, and software
Less installation and maintenance
Reduced administration
Fewer truck rolls
Pay only for what is used
![LowerCosts.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6913/LowerCosts.png?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=432&height=353) |
True Cloud - Protected by Microsoft Cloud Services and BluBØX
![Azure.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6914/Azure.png?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=314&height=321) |
Hosted & Protected by Microsoft Azure
Do more with Cloud architecture
Own less of everything
Secure your data
Protect yourself against disaster
Operate efficiently
Automatic Software Upgrades
Get better software, automatically
Always run the best software available
Better support
Faster feature enhancements
Quick bug fixes
Minimize installation and security risks
![AutoUpdate.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6915/AutoUpdate.png?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=327&height=320) |
True Mobile Security – Any Device, Anywhere, Anytime
![TrueMobile.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6916/TrueMobile.png?revision=1) |
100% system functionality on any device & any browser
No apps to install, no software to manage
Responsive design
Untethered capabilities
Be notified and respond from anywhere
Real-Time Control, Status, and Events from Anywhere
Real-time control & status of portals, floors, video, alarms, keypads, visitors, and power
Real-time events- readers, alarms, video, visitors, photo-ID, operator, system
View multiple systems and facilities simultaneously
![TealTimeAnywhere.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6917/TealTimeAnywhere.png?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=227&height=320) |
Person Reader and Integrated Biometric Security
Unified Access, Alarms, Video and Visitors
System Architecture - Reduced On Premises Hardware and Software
![ReducedPremiseCost.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6920/ReducedPremiseCost.png?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=462&height=289) |
No servers, NVRs, PCs, Storage, UPSs, or software to install or maintain
Access to cloud and devices through any web browser
One cloud hosts unified applications of PACS, CCTV, Alarms, Elevators, and Visitor Management
Cross System, Multi–Site, Partitioned Architecture
Define unlimited customers
Configure, commission and control customers from a single interface
Connect to every customer site at every moment
Manage an unlimited number of systems
Systems can be standalone or grouped together
![CrossSystemArchitecture.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6921/CrossSystemArchitecture.png?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=345&height=306) |
Freedom of Use and Enterprise for Everyone
DIY Security and Reduced Administration
Distributed security administration
Manage your access, visitors, photos, credentials, & reporting
One set of credentials for everywhere
Share data between systems
Self-administer tasks
Quicker response & no waiting for confirmation
![DIY.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6923/DIY.png?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=387&height=320) |
Open Hardware and Open Restful API
![OpenHardware.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6924/OpenHardware.png?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=294&height=320) |
Freedom of choice
Non-proprietary hardware and open software
Industry standards and compatible
A future-proof investment
Tried and true
Connects to everything
Destination Dispatch Elevator Security
DDS integration with all manufacturers
Unified interface with real-time control
Access Control integration
Elevator security with floor ID
Control by floor or car
Rapid guest credential integration
![DDE.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6925/DDE.png?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=304&height=321) |
Out-of-the-BØX Advanced Notifications
One Common Reporting Engine
Predefined reports
User-defined and saved reports
One synchronized clock across all event types
Automated report subscriptions
Analytics, Rules and Intelligence
Virtual Remote Commissioning and Testing
Remotely configure databases and systems
One-person commission and test
Diagnose problems from anywhere
![RemoteCommisioning.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6929/RemoteCommisioning.png?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=450&height=320) |
Remote Power Control and Management
![PowerManagement.png](https://knowledge.blub0x.com/@api/deki/files/6930/PowerManagement.png?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=314&height=319) |
System Health, Power Output Condition, Battery Activity, and Power History
Control locks, reboot cameras or perform other reset functions
Facilitates scheduled or manual battery checks
Remote Support and Diagnostics from Anywhere
Virtual card swipe
Knowledge Base
Health & status monitoring
Automatic software updates
One single version for all