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Elevator Indicator System

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The BluB0X Elevator Indicator System is an advanced solution designed to revolutionize the user experience and operational efficiency of elevator systems. By seamlessly integrating with BluB0X's Elevator Management System, Person Readers, and Destination Dispatch Elevator Processors, it provides comprehensive, real-time information to passengers, ensuring a smooth and informed journey. This state-of-the-art system offers customizable graphics, visual alerts, and over-the-air updates, making it a versatile and future-proof choice for modern buildings.

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Key Features
  1. Digital Elevator Designation
  2. Customizable Graphics and Information
  3. Floor and Assignment Indications
  4. Visual Alerts
  5. Arrival and Travel Time Indications
  6. Single and Dual Video Screen Options
  7. Cloud-Based Graphics and Configuration
  8. Over-the-Air Updates
  9. Compatibility with Various Elevator Systems
  10. Color Options and Customization
Key Benefits
  1. Enhanced User Experience: Real-time, clear information reduces wait times and improves passenger satisfaction.
  2. Operational Efficiency: Streamlines elevator management, reducing congestion and improving flow.
  3. Customizability: Adapts to specific building needs with customizable graphics and colors.
  4. Future-Proof: Over-the-air updates ensure the system remains up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.

Detailed Features and Applications:

Digital Elevator Designation

The Digital Elevator Designation feature clearly indicates which elevator has been assigned to a specific call and the floors it will service. This digital display ensures that passengers know exactly which elevator to take, reducing confusion and improving the flow of foot traffic in the lobby. The digital designations are updated in real-time, providing immediate feedback on elevator assignments and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Customizable Graphics and Information

Our system allows building operators to customize the graphics and information displayed on the screens. This can include building announcements, branding, and other relevant information, creating an opportunity to communicate directly with passengers. By incorporating branding and important messages, the elevator indicator system not only informs but also enhances the overall aesthetic and functionality of the building's communication strategy.

Floor and Assignment Indications

Floor and Assignment Indications clearly show the floors that each elevator will stop at, enabling passengers to identify the correct elevator quickly. This feature is crucial for managing passenger expectations and ensuring that they board the correct elevator, especially in high-traffic environments. The clear, easy-to-read displays improve the user experience by providing essential information at a glance.

Visual Alerts

The system features Visual Alerts that light up and flash as the assigned elevator approaches, providing a clear visual cue to passengers. This intuitive alert system helps reduce waiting anxiety and ensures that passengers are aware of their elevator's arrival, even in busy or noisy environments. The visual alerts are designed to be noticeable yet unobtrusive, blending seamlessly with the overall design of the elevator lobby.

Arrival and Travel Time Indications

Arrival and Travel Time Indications provide passengers with estimated times until the elevator arrives and the average travel time to their destination floor. This feature helps manage passenger expectations and reduces perceived wait times by providing accurate and real-time information. Knowing how long they will have to wait and travel enhances the overall user experience and satisfaction.

Single and Dual Video Screen Options

The BluB0X Elevator Indicator System is available in single or dual video screen configurations, ensuring visibility from multiple angles within the elevator lobby. This flexibility allows for optimal placement and ensures that passengers can easily see the information regardless of their position in the lobby. Dual screen options are particularly useful in larger or more complex spaces, providing comprehensive coverage.

Cloud-Based Graphics and Configuration

Our system operates locally but receives its graphics and configuration from the cloud, ensuring that displays are always up-to-date with the latest information and branding. This cloud-based approach allows for easy updates and customization, minimizing the need for on-site maintenance and ensuring that the system remains current with minimal effort.

Over-the-Air Updates

The system supports over-the-air updates, allowing continuous improvement of the floor indicator capabilities without manual intervention. This feature ensures that the elevator indicator system can evolve with new technologies and features, providing a future-proof solution that adapts to changing needs and requirements.

Compatibility with Various Elevator Systems

The BluB0X Elevator Indicator System is designed to work with traditional two-button elevators, hybrid dispatch systems, and BluB0X's Hybrid Destination Elevator Solution. This broad compatibility ensures that the system can be integrated into a wide range of elevator configurations, making it a versatile choice for any building looking to modernize its elevator management.

Color Options and Customization

The system is available in four main colors: black, white, gray, and beige. Custom colors are also available to match specific aesthetic requirements. This level of customization allows the system to blend seamlessly with the building's interior design, enhancing the overall look and feel of the elevator lobby.


The BluB0X Elevator Indicator System is a cutting-edge solution designed to enhance both the operational efficiency and user experience of elevator systems. With features like digital elevator designation, customizable graphics, real-time floor and assignment indications, and over-the-air updates, it offers a versatile and future-proof choice for modern buildings. Its seamless integration with BluB0X's comprehensive suite of elevator management tools ensures a unified and efficient approach to elevator control and passenger communication. Whether for commercial buildings, residential complexes, or public facilities, the BluB0X Elevator Indicator System is the ideal solution for any building looking to modernize its elevator management approach.