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Cost Comparison BluSKY Cloud v Client Server


Click to download EXCEL File Security System Cost Comparison - BluBØX v Client Server.xlsx


Client Server Cost Comparison

Integrators, consultants and end users often try to directly compare the cost of legacy client server solutions to the BluSKY Cloud solution. However, this is not a fair or good comparison. This is like comparing a bicycle to an autonomous self-driving car. They are both modes of transportation, but the bicycle is far more manual and far less capable than the autonomous self-driving car.

To properly compare the cost of the two solutions you must include in the client server solution the equivalent costs for hardware, redundancy, cybersecurity and autonomy that you get in the BluSKY cloud solution. When this is done the client server solution is 5 - 7 times more expensive than the BluSKY Cloud solution. In addition, there are many capabilities that are inherent in the BluSKY Cloud solution that cost extra or that are simply unavailable using client server architecture. This tool shows how this result is derived.

To start making the comparison, chose a system that was quoted both as client server and BluSKY Cloud.
  • Enter in the BluB0X hardware and installation cost followed by the BluSKY licenses.
  • Then enter in the client server hardware and installation cost followed by the client server software support agreement.
  • Then indicate the number of access control servers and video servers.
  • Enter the fully loaded per server cost or leave the industry standard $4,000
  • Enter the number of card readers, cameras, alarms and people in the system.
  • This now sets up the proper cost comparison between a BluSKY Cloud and client server system.
Now move down to the comparison table.
  • The first column shows the point of comparison.
  • The second column is the BluB0X cost.
  • The third column shows the client server cost.
  • The fourth column shows the additional one-time costs for an equivalent client server solution.
  • The fifth column shows the additional annual recurring cost for an equivalent client server solution.
Now let’s look at each comparison item.
  • All items come from the entered numbers or are accepted industry standards.
  • The initial hardware and installation cost of a server solution is normally more because you are installing the servers, pcs and software locally.
  • In order to get server and storage redundancy you need to add one and a half times the server and storage cost.
  • For multiple data centers you need to add one and a half times the server, storage and redundancy cost.
  • For cyber security protection add $10 per person, per year.
  • For server power, cooling and maintenance add $900 per server, per year.
  • For server replacement every 5 years add $800 per server, per year.
  • For server backups add $200 per server, per year.
  • Software upgrades are extra.
  • For access control licenses for redundancy add $50 dollars per reader.
  • For camera licenses for redundancy add $300 per camera.
  • Multi-site administration is extra.
  • For mobile credentials add $9 per person, per year.
  • Mobile app, Open restful API, and integrated visitor management, video, intrusion detection, biometrics, destination dispatch elevators and power management are all extra or not available.
  • It's hard to put a price on open hardware but you don't have to rip and replace it if you want to move to another manufacturer.
Other valuable capabilities that are only available in a BluSKY Cloud solution are:
  • Do-It-Yourself Administration
  • Unified System
  • Police and Fire emergency 
  • Real time control and administration from anywhere
  • Custom notifications and distribution lists
  • Cross system administration
  • Artificial intelligence
  • 24/7 deep monitoring and notification
  • Double layer of system support
  • Remote support and diagnostics


From this analysis you can see that it costs 5 to 7 times the initial and recurring cost to somewhat create an equivalent BluSKY Cloud solution using legacy client server architecture. In addition, there are many items that cost extra or that are simply unavailable using legacy client server architecture. By contrast all these items are included in the BluSKY solution. From an infrastructure, cybersecurity and capabilities standpoint BluSKY is a much more valuable solution when making a fair comparison.


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