DtC® Salto Integrated Reader Lock® Access Control Systems
Salto Lock Connectivity with the SALLIS IP Router
Leveraging the corporate network, BluSKY Direct to Cloud (DtC™) technology connects to the Salto SALLIS IP router which in turn wirelessly manages up to 64 downstream locks. All access control decisions are managed by BluSKY. Popular card technologies are supported like HID Prox, HID iCLASS (CSN only), Mifare, and DESfire, allowing for a phased migration when budget permits.
Salto Lock Connectivity with the SALLIS RS-485 Router
Leveraging the corporate network, BluSKY Direct to Cloud (DtC™) technology connects to a Mercury Intelligent Controller and the Salto SALLIS RS-485 router which in turn wirelessly manages up to 16 downstream locks. All access control decisions are managed by the Mercury Intelligent Controller. Popular card technologies are supported like HID Prox, HID iCLASS (CSN only), Mifare, and DESfire, allowing for a phased migration when budget permits.