BluSKY Browser, O/S and Device Support
BluSKY is browser agnostic and will work with any browser on any device. BluBØX supports the current and previous 2 versions of each browser(s) from the major browser manufacturers. If the browser is "End-of-Life" by the manufacturer, BluBØX will make every reasonable effort to address issues.
While browser manufacturers make every effort to keep their browser versions and functionality consistent between operating systems and devices, there are inconsistencies that appear, in addition, not all manufacturers follow the same standards, so BluBØX might be limited in our ability to support certain functionality across all browsers.
BluBØX takes advantage of features in the latest browsers to optimize our customer's experience, so we recommend for an optimal user experience to stay current on the latest browsers. It is also good practice to stay current on the latest security fixes to ensure your system is accessed only by you.
Windows | OSX | Android | iOS |
*Most commonly used | ** Part of the BluBØX QA automated test suite.
Operating System (OS)
BluSKY is extremely operating system agnostic. If a modern browser runs on the OS we will support a customer running on it (See browsers above).
BluSKY, being browser-based, will support any device that supports a commonly supported browser from one of the big browser manufacturers (See browsers above).