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Invoice Guidelines



Licenses: How to Get Data for Invoicing
Platform # of people in People list
Intelligence % of licenses - automatically calculated - excludes some licenses
VPN Count is 1 if system contains a Person Reader, Video or DDE
Reader Reader count in Reader List + Destination Keypad readers
Reader - Residential Reader count in Reader List - residential apartments (usually all-in-one wireless locks)
Person Reader # of Person Reades Servers in Server List
DDE Keypad # of DDE Keypads in Destination Keypad List
DDE Support # of DDE elevators - Facility -> Elevator Cars
Relay Elevator # of Elevators in Elevator List (Elevator Hardware)
Alarm & Intrusion # of inputs on Input List
Power Management # of controllers in Controller List (need to export the list to excel and sort by system/facility/controller name
Camera Local Recording # of cameras in Camera List (many cameras missing from BluSKY)
Camera Cloud Recording # of cameras in Camera List (many cameras missing from BluSKY)
Visitor & Vendor Processing # of expected visitors in the previous month - report
Vendor Management # of vendors in Vendor List
Watchlist Integration Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - currently none
Intercom # of calls per month - report - does not exist yet
Intercom - Residential (new license) # of apartments (occupancies)
Database Integration Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - currently just 5 BHF sites
Single Sign-On Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - currently just 5 BHF sites
Alarm Integration Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - currently none
Central Station Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - currently none
Life Safety Management Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - currently just 11 Times Square



BluID - Bluetooth Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - currently none but CNP has 2,500 that they want to use
BluID - Biometric (new credential) Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - currently none
BluPASS - Bluetooth Visitor Arrivals Report (Month) - Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - currently none
BluPASS - Cloud Visitor Arrivals Report (Month) - Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - soon all
BluPASS - Bar/QR code Visitor Arrivals Report (Month) - Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - 11TS, 231 S LaSalle
BluPASS - Prox Visitor Arrivals Report (Month) - Currently no BluSKY indicator - just have to know - Billing report will contain correct information - CNP, 456 Montgomery


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