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Edit a Person's Basic Info



People are the ones that utilize the access control system on a regular basis. This article will detail how to edit a Person's basic info in BluSKY.

Change a Person's Login

  1. Log in and navigate to People. Main Menu-> Administration-> People
  2. Use the search criteria feature, then select the entry you wish to edit from the list.
  3. Use the editButtonNoText.png button in the lower left hand side.
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  4. Navigate to the User Name field.
  5. Change the email in the User Name field.
    • Note: Every login email address must be a valid email address and be unique
    • Note: Changing a login email address DOES NOT change their contact email address. You must change both fields if you wish to use the new email login as their primary email address.
  6. Make the appropriate changes.
  7. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

Edit a Person's Contact Info

  1. Log in and navigate to People. Main Menu-> Administration-> People
  2. Use the search criteria feature, then select the entry you wish to edit from the list.
  3. Use the editButtonNoText.png button in the lower left hand side.
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  4. Select the field you wish to edit.
  5. Make the changes.
  6. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

Change a Person's Password

  1. Log in and navigate to People. Main Menu-> Administration-> People
  2. Use the search criteria feature, then select the entry you wish to edit from the list.
  3. Use the editButtonNoText.png button in the lower left hand side.
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  4. Select the toggle to Change Password.


  1. Provide a password for the user.
    • Note: Password must contain Upper, Lower, Number and Special Characters such as _$@(), etc.
    • Note:  you can toggle plain view or generate a random password. Using the     or the    button respectively
  2. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

Change a Person's Email

  1. Log in and navigate to People. Main Menu-> Administration-> People
  2. Use the search criteria feature, then select the entry you wish to edit from the list.
  3. Use the editButtonNoText.png button in the lower left hand side.
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  4. Navigate to the Email field.
  5. Change the email to the desired one.
    • Note: Changing a Person's email address DOES NOT change their login. You must change both fields if you wish to use the new email address to log into BluSKY.
  6. Make the appropriate changes.
  7. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.

Change or Add a Telephone Number to a Person

  1. Log in and navigate to People. Main Menu-> Administration-> People.
  2. Use the search criteria feature, then select the entry you wish to edit from the list.
  3. Use the  editButtonNoText.png button in the lower left hand side.
    • Note: If the edit button is not available ensure that only one entry has been highlighted.
  4. Click Plus Sign.png to the right of Add Phone.
  5. Make the appropriate changes.
  6. Confirm changes with the saveBtn.png button.
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